Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Things I Learned at Dinner Today

We had the missionaries over tonight, and it was a barrel of laughs! They love coming to our house 'cause apparently we always have good food (tonight it was onion soup, arabic bread and hummus [from a can, snazzed up with fresh lemon, garlic, and a little salt], corned beef and veggies [in the crockpot, bought last year at St. Patrick's when it was on sale for 29 cents/lb. and stored in the freezer, cooked the way I like it with carrots, potatoes, and a mixture of apple juice, apple cider vinegar, sugar, and water for the liquid, and the meat removed to rest and the cabbage put on top to steam over very low heat for the last hour or so], and for dessert fresh mango eaten with American flag toothpicks and fresh and grilled pineapple spears. It was eclectic but all fun and they devoured it right along with Jeff, Ems, and me.) They are always fun to listen to and today made me laugh so hard I choked on my mango telling me about some of the slang terminology used in my mission among the elders.

Apparently, when you are about to become a "trainer", you are "pregnant." When your new companion arrives, you "get an hijo", a "little son", and become a "father." When you are on your last transfer you "die" and "your hijo is killing you." (That is the one that made me choke on my mango.) The first area you were in when you arrived is where you are "born." If a comp you trained trains someone else you are a "grandfather". "How old are you" means "how far into your mission are you." It was very entertaining. I doubt the sisters use all the same terminology, though! Can you imagine someone overhearing a sister missionary talking about "being pregnant?" :o It's one thing for elders, but I don't think the sisters would say that!

We also heard from our newer elder (one was here last time we fed the missionaries, one was not) about where he grew up (Shreveport, LA, and he chatted a little about places they had been with my husband, who grew up in Dallas) and things like that. I love having the missionaries over, they never turn down a dinner invitation and they love anything and everything I cook! I think I will look in the freezer to see what else I've got that they'd love to eat and have them over again soon.

Anyone else got funny missionary terminology (from your mission or the mission you live in now) that you want to share?


Suzanne said...

I love having the missionaries over for dinner! My family is also always blessed after we have them over to eat. It's every time, without fail. hubby went to Northern California on his mission, but I don't remember him speaking about funny terminology. I'll have to ask him! :)

Mean Mommy said...

Actually, most of those terms are the same ones my hubby had on his mission in Spain. ;)

Anne/kq said...

That's so funny! Were they in Spanish, or English, though? ;)

My husband's brother served in OK and they did a few of those but did not "take it as far", lol. And they said "son" instead of "hijo."

Mean Mommy said...

In Spanish. :)

Anne/kq said...

I figured as much. ;)

This was all in English except "hijo." (My daddy used to call us "mi hijo" and "mi hija." They kind of run together to sound like "mee-ho" and "mee-ha", and it is something sweet for me to remember now. Sometimes I call my daughters "mi hijas.")