Since she was much more comfy with some confinement of her legs, one of the nurses sweetly showed me how to roll and tuck a blanket or two around them to provide more of a "swaddled" feel in the Bilibed (which is a mesh mattress over a lamp that sits in the hospital bassinet instead of the bassinet mattress, and then is covered with a special kind of blanket-cum-sleeper that snaps on to the mesh mattress and has sleeves, a zip-up place for the legs shaped like a sleep blanket's "sack", and velcro closure up by the neck for a better fit. Oh, and a little duck on the top velcro closure.
Since she has such strong suck needs and I couldn't nurse her longer than just what she needed to empty the breast because she needed the lights, Maggie got very fond of her paci. (That's the RazBaby Keep it Kleen paci, btw; they really do what they're advertised to! She drops it and it snaps shut! We love 'em!) She got used to the routine; I would see her waking, change her diaper, nurse her, burp her, put her back on the lights (usually with a spit pad under her head, she's a spitty baby) and then give her her paci and sometimes sing to her and/or pat her tummy to settle her until she calmed down. Then we'd go back to sleep, usually.
The only time I could hold her during the phototherapy was while I nursed and burped her. So I made the most of it. I had Jeff burp her so he got some holding time, too, if he was around, and would let the kids help by tickling her feet and kissing her head to keep her awake, and Emma even helped Jeff give her a bottle when she needed a little supplementation. But most of the day it was just me and her in a room with the lights.
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