Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bridget took four steps today...

...and I missed it. :( I was in Stake Choir practice (we only get two, this week and next, then we're having a combined Stake Conference with the neighboring Glendale Stake, and President Packer will be there again-- that makes 3 SCs in a row for us with him there. We will have three members of the 70 as well, including one of the presidency. Speculation is rife as to what is going on, we have come up with about 5 or 6 theories ourselves, but will have to wait and see.) Anyway, I was so sad to hear I missed it! Later she almost did it again, at my mom's (we went for my birthday dinner with her) but she kind of squatted after two, then got up and did it again. Also, she will apparently only walk to Jeff or to chase cats, not to me. Very sad.

Hopefully she will start doing it more soon and I will get to see her really walk, and walk to me.


Awesome Mom said...

Aww so sad that you missed it. I missed Evan's too but I just told my smug sister that they didn't count until I saw them.

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

What's a stake?

Anne/kq said...

A stake is a regional grouping of congregations, or wards. Kind of like a diocese in the Catholic church, if you're familiar with that organization. Ward=parish, stake=diocese, district=archdiocese, approximately. :)

Karen said...

It's sorta like pro football players. Dad takes them out as little kids. Spends hours in the backyard tossing footballs around. Coaches their youth teams. Shows up at every high school football game. Continues to run plays and throw footballs. Kid makes it big. Goes to the NFL. First time they interview him on national TV after a big game he looks at the camera, smiles, and waves.....and says....

"Hi, Mom!"