Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My helper

Somehow I haven't been in the mood to blog much... I did do some interesting things done this weekend, but didn't feel like writing them up. We went for Korean food Saturday with Jeff's Korean-American co-worker and his girlfriend (who he's been dating, like, longer than Jeff and I have known each other!) They ordered. As a result I'm not sure what all I ate but I know it was delicious!!!

Anyway, today Emma has been my helper. I had a bad migraine, it started out atypical with just a lot of vertigo and some light sensitivity, but progressed to headache and auras and even short blackouts quickly enough. Jeff came home at lunch and got the kids food and Bridey down in the crib for a nap before he left (which she eventually took) but in the meantime Emma brought me a diaper, water and lemonade mix to make them drinks, even washed out the cup Bridey wanted to use (with soap and everything!) Then she was very good all day. She got herself snacks when she needed them, poured her own drinks, brought me diapers and such when I needed them. She was very good. And she fed Maggie her cereal tonight (that has been her job lately since we found out that Maggie eats better for her than for either of us!) I'm just very proud to see how she can really help out when I really need her. With ALMOST no complaining...

Tonight we had pizza and salad for dinner. Jeff at first neglected to give the kids their salad (which is nothing but organic baby spring mix with dressing.) They both DEMANDED IT! You do not know how funny it is to hear a little two year old voice saying, "Gimme sah-lat! Sah-lat! Pweese!" and then chomping down on spinach and red leaf and green leaf lettuce and all other kinds of raw greens until you've experienced it... Then Emma had to have some too, of course! Oh, Bridey also stole her Easy-Up when Jeff wasn't looking and tried to put it on herself, too! And she has been BEGGING, "I want go dance class! Dance class please!" *sigh* They grow up so fast...

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